Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Im confused about this girl?

i have no idea whats going on anymore we were txting all the time and we were always messing with each other she smiled a lot and i smiled when messing around (nothing lke kissing but just joking) but then my friend and me went to go meet up with her and we were texting all day after they left but later that night i asked her out to the movies cuz she kept saying that im about the only person she would date right now and that she liked me she admitted it after i told her i liked her and when i asked her out she replied with idk maybe we txted a lil after that but she just suddenly quit txting i tried to txt her the next day to say whats up and what not but she didn't reply and she still isn't replying to me its been like 3 days without txting each other she told my friends that she liked me and everything i just don't get it at all

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