Friday, August 12, 2011

What exactly is affirmative action?

affirmative action does not only contribute to race but gender, age, etc..all the things we are NOT suppose to take into effect when hiring a person;; so, ironically, they came up with affirmative action to 'make sure' the people who were being disciminated against, were being placed in the jobs (or now schools) BECAUSE they were of a, pick your choice, afirmative action, diversity, whatever you want to call it..most people feel the job should be given to the person that can actually do the job & NOT because of the reasons that laws were made to curtail things like this..ironic, no?? but what they were trying to do was to place people in jobs & "not look" like they were favoring one race, gender, age group over another...well, now look what we've got...possibly a lot of people that don't truly 'qualify' for the job..possibly more law suits because of this new 'rule' applied...well, I guess I'm not neutral..but I truly believe in a good work ethic, not a good 'feel-sorry-for campaign'...

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