Saturday, August 13, 2011

What is the difference between electric and magnetic field?

Wherever there is electricity, there are also electric and magnetic fields, invisible lines of force created by the electric charges. Electric fields result from the strength of the charge while magnetic fields result from the motion of the charge, or the current. Electric fields are easily shielded: they may be weakened, distorted or blocked by conducting objects such as earth, trees, and buildings,but magnetic fields are not as readily blocked. Electriccharges with opposite signs (positive and negative) at-tract each other, while charges with the same sign repeleach other. The forces of attraction and repulsion create electric fields whose strength is related to “voltage” (elec-trical pressure). These forces of attraction or repulsionare carried through space from charge to charge by the electric field. The electric field is measured in volts permeter (V/m) or in kilovolts per meter (kV/m). A group of charges moving in the same direction is called an “elec-tric current.” When charges move they create additional forces known as a “magnetic field.” The strength of a magnetic field is measured in “gauss” (G) or “tesla” (T),while the electric current is measured in “amperes” (amps).The strength of both electric and magnetic fields decreaseas one moves away from the source of these fields.

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