Thursday, August 18, 2011

Are christian and others waiting for their world to suffer? before learning they had missed the Father!?

Sorry to say that the devil has provided so much to distract us from God that a lot of people fail to make him the focal point of there lives. Praise be to God and God bless

How do you keep communication pionate in a long distant relationship?

i dont talk to my boyfriend like we use to, i get weary when we talk and its affecting us. what would you do?

How do i cite my essay?

I am writring a persuasive final paper and the only thing i haven't figured out is how to cite my essay... i found statistics and things i want to *** into my essay but i am unsure as to how i avoid plagarism and etc. Do i just add the websites used at the end of my paper of does it literally have to be right after each statistic i have to include the site i used?? HELP

I'm in four clubs purely for college. I don't enjoy any of them and feel miserable all the time. Help!?

umm try to find clubs that you like if you cant than you can always volunteer(something your interested in) in your community. you can also get a job. that also looks good on an application. you can start your own club so you can enjoy what your doing. it probably would be fine to quit a few of the clubs your in only if you replace it with something beneficial. umm... thats probably the best advice i can give.

Interest rates with a well qualified co-signer?

You'd be better off at so many different levels seeking out a less expensive car you could pay cash for.

An easy question--looking for some help?

Let's see: moving from crib to a bed, puberty (hair growing in weird places, voice changes, etc.), first job/paycheck, stop playing w/dolls (and playing w/the real thing), training wheels being taken off, being potty-trained. Hope some of these are helpful, good luck!!

Finch help plz!!! :(?

Don't feed her- their airway is right behind their throat, just like ours, so you could suffocate her on accident!

Is bad eye sight hereditary?

I am short sighted and have been since I was a child. I have noticed my eye sight has gotten worse over the years. My dad has poor eye sight so I was wondering if it is due to genes or other factors?

IGN Game of the Year?

See video here: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What is more of an "irish" last name? Fitzgerald or Kane?

My friend and I had a little fight of who's name is more "irish" but were not sure how to find out.

Could I have gotten her Lice?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?

Itching is common when you think you may have gotten them, just because. But they are contagious, I would have someone in the family look at your scalp and also I would most likely go to the school nurse. But please know that they can spread to other people in your house, so this is not a time to keep a secret. Now if you do have them, it's not your fault.

Please read and answer this seriously ?

Ok this is not meant to be funny, its a real problem i'm facing. At my school, these kids keep farting in my face. Like they do it everyday to me in the boys locker room. What can i do about this ? And if your going to say tell and adult, i have and they spoke with them and they still do it. This is bullshit because its gross and i want them to stop. Idk why they do that to me because i honestly at this point think i'm the only one this has ever happened to...

Bullhead Derby Fish Transport Question?

Hi there my son and I will be attending a bullhead derby here in town and we were going to transport the fish in a bucket... that was until someone told me i may be violating canadian law. We wouldn't be transporting the fish far just to the judges who will also be at the dock. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

What song has........?

What song has the most swearing in it that you can think of. I think Y'all want a single by KoRn has quite alot (idk exactly how many). What about you, song with the most swearing in it?

Why does she act uneasy around me?

maybe you jsut do things that make her uneasy. you simply may just make her uncomfortable, it's nothing you do, its just her own opinion from ecperiences. dont worry about it, not everyone is going to like you.

Please help me?

Until and unless you ask just a question at once, nobody is gonna help you.. Its so boring that you have provided a hell lot of bunch of questions. You might have better asked one by one each of them !!!!

No more Sparks in our Relationship anymore?

you got to clingy with her, sounds like you guys talked.talked.talked, the change in her was the attention she going to get from you once you see her. not even a month, and in love...and you want to break up withh her, you need to slow your roll to stay with someone forever-its a long time. slow your roll

2010 free agent cl?

Don't listen to padres, his list is 100% wrong.... half the players on that list got traded already. Anyways, for sure Michael Redd is going to leave the bucks, because the bucks have no hope in winning, and also many teams are looking for his talent.

8 Year old step sister........................… me?

LOL!! He didn't mean you were almost 18... he was saying that you will be 18 soon, like in 7 short years. And, yes, a dog training book does work. I raised my children using dog training techniques (sit, lay down, good girl/boy, I would even scratch them behind their ears occasionally if they were good).

Why wont anyone answer my question!?!?!?

Have you ever considered naming her Angelique Jayde. You are overworking the J A angle. Turn the two names around. Start with Angelique. You and your family are correct, the other names you suggested sound entirely too much like your niece's name and would seem like copying, no matter how good your intentions, plus the girls would notice it as they grow up. Just a peaceful alternative that allows you to use two names you love together without offending anyone.

Can I take pop-tarts on a flight?

I am going to be staying at a fancy hotel with limited dining options. Will the TSA allow me to stuff a couple of boxes of pop-tarts in my carry-on baggage, or will the real fruit filling prove to be a security threat?

Chemistry Lab question?

If Two solutions mixed, and there is no color change and there is no formation of a precipitate, can you conclude no reaction took place? Why or why not? What else should be done to get more information

Math story problem help?

the ozone layer is 3 millimeters thick. it has been estimated that for each .03-mm decrease in the thickness of the ozone layer, there would be an additional 100,000 cases of blindness. find a linear function that computes the estimated number of additional cases of blindness each year for a decrease of x millimeters in the ozone layer

Harry Reid - Santa Claus or pimp daddy?

Neither! He is so far left that he can't see straight. I believe he walks around counter-clockwise in full circles because his eye are facing left. I would like to see a Congress that cares about the majority of its people; the middle.

What would happen to the process of protein synthesis if a diet were deficient in an amino acid such as lysine?

I cant figure this question out its on my study guide for finals!!! and does anyone know what a promoter and a terminator codon are I can't find it in my notes. If you can help thanks!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hi pls answer this ques!!!!!!!!?

a href=";_ylt=AoaPKtthWAlFDiVOhuUCkZyRHQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20100706082456AAQZJ4q"…/a

Where is the thermostat on a 1990 Plymouth Voyager?

Look under your upper black radiator hose and you will see a thermostate housing on the intake manifold usually with two bolts securing it. Remove those two bolts and in the hosing you will find the thermostate probably a 195 degree remove it and replace with a new one if needed. Hope this answers your question.

Will my 18 month old son's teeth go back to normal if I get rid of his pacifier?

My 18 month old son still loves his pacifier. I don't let him suck on it during the day, he only gets it at night or if he's having a meltdown at church or in a restaurant or something . I noticed that his front teeth are starting to look like they're getting pushed forward and I'm so worried!!! If I get rid of the pacifier completely will his teeth go back to normal, or do I have to wait for the next 7 years for his baby teeth to fall out???


your main problem os 3 cyber dragon. u can not use 3 of them even in traditional play. but if you wan traditional format, you better run choas deck. you better find some alternative such as king of swam or little cyber dragon(forget its name)

What book should I get my earth science teacher?

He once said that the best gift is to receive a book with a note inside. He's been my teacher/homeroom for the past 3 years and he means a lot. What book should I get?

Question about transferring money between 2 different bank systems?

If i want to transfer a large amount of money from my bank account in Kuwait to my other bank account in canada (CIBC) - how can i do that? Is there a fee? I'm talking $5000

Iwant my yahoo mail tasfar to yahoo mail beta jast tall me?

To get to the new Yahoo! Mail, just click "Options" in the upper-right corner of your Yahoo! Mail page. On the Options page that opens, the message " Yahoo! Mail Beta has arrived! Try it now!" appears in the upper-right corner, just below the "Options" link. Click "Try it Now!" to get to the new Yahoo! Mail.

Are you a secret hypnotist? Can you hypnotize people without their knowing it? Can you hypnotize people withou?

Are you a secret hypnotist? Can you hypnotize people without their knowing it? Can you hypnotize people without even knowing you are doing it yourself?

Do autistic children have trouble learning basic independence/survival lessons?

I think so. Most of the problems with autism have to do with communication and social interactions. Many autisitic kids are actually smarter than "normal people" but nobody know because they lack proper communication skills

1 John 2: 18 Who do you umed the Antichrist would be?

1 John 2; 18-young children, it is the hour, and just as you have heard that antichrist is coming, even now there have come to be many antichrists, from which fact we gain the knowledge that it is the last hour. John stated that the antichrist has already arrived, Who or what do you consider to be the antichrist?

How does the symbol of Bluetooth correspond to H and G of Harold Bluetooth Gromson, its inventor?

Bluetooth® is named for Tenth Century Danish king Harald BlÃ¥tand, known in English as Harold Bluetooth Gromson, who is reputed to have been so fond of blueberries that his teeth were stained blue. The Bluetooth symbol is a bindrune that combines the runes for Harald BlÃ¥tand’s initials. So how can the symbol of Bluetooth be broken down to H & G?

Can my ipod touch play music tru my car radio, without blue tooth or cables?

You could try an FM transmitter. You plug in the ipod and tune your car radio into a clear frequency. It plugs into the cigarette lighter, where you can also plug in your ipod to charge.

Only for people how been to Washington DC?

have u seen the white house us Capitol washington monument and the other buildings cause i have did u like it did.

Hair Straightener .......................?

I suggest you go to sallys bueaty supply and get a nano i have one and it is amazing but i barley use it now well at leat its there when you need the job done it was only 60$ so it was a really great deal cause ive had it for about 3 years

How do you watch downloaded video on the hp ipaq hx2490b?

When i download and try to watch a selected video, the ipaq tells me that i have to open an application to view? i consider myself a functional illiterate when it comes to computers.

A Respectfull question for Muslims?

Muslims believe that Jesus was a Prophet from God. Comparing Jesus and Mohammed, how would you explain that Mohammed was an improvement on Jesus as you believe both were sent by God.

Weight loss question. REALLY URGENT, need help?

I feel your pain, been there, check out this site its very handy, hope it helps you out,

Is it ok to be a bit jealous of my best friend and other friends &their bf's?

It seems like all of my friends either have a bf or are involved with some guy except me :/ I don't mean to be all woe is me but I just turned 17 and I want a bf too!! I've been off and on with my last bf since February but he's 24.. Yeah lol so when we dated it was all secret and I trusted him completely, and even let him be me first, I was 16 then tho. We just broke up in early June and while my friends seem to constantly get guys, im still attached to this guy who comes and goes as he pleases and breaks my heart each time, even tho he doesn't seem to realize it. I feel like he wants me for mostly :/ he never even took me out on a date!! of course I'm happy that my best friend found a great hot guy, but I want to be treated like a princess too!! I don't know how to stop feeling frustrated and upset and discouraged.

Bio help please 10 pts!!!!?

Your text book will contain all of this material and more. Having someone here tell you will interfere with the appropriate and normal learning process. Study, my friend. Enjoy our wonderful free educational system, not just sneak by.

Have you ever met or heard of a Christian that believes they are not going to heaven?

I've met southern Baptists who would tell me one day that a drunkard will go to Hell, and then the next day be ped out on my living room couch.

What did Michael Scott say on the office?

"Don't ever for any reason do anything to anyone for any reason ever. No matter what, no matter where, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been...EVER. For any reason whatsoever".

Tim Finn's first band ?

Not Split Enz .... He had one hit with a different band - a trio I think. THe chorous was very catchy I'm told ..... Big fan of Tim and I really want to hear this song ! Please help

Turkey thawing question! HELP FAST!?

You are going to have to brine or cook it right away. Take the turkey, still in what wrapper you have on it, and put it in your sink. Completely cover it with COLD water. Make sure it stays submerged; if it floats a little, you will have to keep it under somehow, being that the seal is broken. Every 30 minutes completely drain and refill. This will safely thaw it out enough for brining in the allotted time.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Trademark?? Can anyone tell me how or point me in the direction of easy to understand steps?

I am trying to get a trademark. I have gone to or org whichever, and it is so hard to understand. Is there anything out there that gives you "clear" "easy to understand" steps from start to finish?

Im confused about this girl?

i have no idea whats going on anymore we were txting all the time and we were always messing with each other she smiled a lot and i smiled when messing around (nothing lke kissing but just joking) but then my friend and me went to go meet up with her and we were texting all day after they left but later that night i asked her out to the movies cuz she kept saying that im about the only person she would date right now and that she liked me she admitted it after i told her i liked her and when i asked her out she replied with idk maybe we txted a lil after that but she just suddenly quit txting i tried to txt her the next day to say whats up and what not but she didn't reply and she still isn't replying to me its been like 3 days without txting each other she told my friends that she liked me and everything i just don't get it at all

What will my school do if I...?

no i don't think they will do anything. It's a free country! One time when I was in school the teachers started protesting and a lot of the students did too! You should find people who agree with you so that your not protesting alone.

1 gram gold ornaments?

i want to know where i can purchase (CONTEMPORARY DESIGHNED) 1 gram gold ornaments in T-nagar without being cheated

What did adolf hitler do to people in concentration camps?

He ordered the ging, shooting, and starvation of 6 million Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, s, and anybody eles who pissed him off or tried to stand up to the Nazis.

What is the best way to catch a crocodile?

Being provided with...a pair of binoculars, tweezers and a box of matches...what is the best way to catch a crocodile?

Should I get an Apple MacBook Pro?

Sorry, but those specs aren't that great. It's hardly the best of the best. For what you need it for, it's adequate, though. Personally, that screen would be WAY, WAY, WAY too small for me. But that's me.

I need to know about the Ozone from verizon!!?

I am getting a phone plan with verizon. I am thinking about getting an ozone. I hae hear many good things, and a few bad things. I'm not really sure, so if somebody could please tell me about the ozone that'd be great.(:

Fantasy Football Q: Joe Flacco @Cin or Derek Anderson @Atl? Steven Jackson running @Oak or Matt Forte @Dal?

Flacco and Jackson are the best options here. Chicago isn't playing the Lion D this week - I wouldn't expect Forte to have the big runs after catch that he did last week to pile up the fantasy numbers. Anderson just isn't an accurate per and the Atlanta D should be able to pretty much keep this one a low scoring game like they did against the Steelers last week.

Does she not like me anymore?

Sorry I don't think this has anything much to do with her. The girl likes the heck out of you and that isn't' something that goes away. Most likely her father would have had a talk with her after that night he saw you two almost kiss. He MAY have made some rules for her and she may be embarred to tell you about what is going on. But for certain the girl likes you!

I want to get kids to play stickball and start a stickball leaugue on sundays. How do I start?

I want to make a league, everyone that ever played baseball loves this game. I want to get people to play on sundays of every month. I think we can get this game popular it is the greatest game I ever played. How do Interest people that never played to come out. I will give out flyers and brochures.

Who is this model???

Look here, I saw a fine *** girl walking down the street today. I was like daaaaaame!!!! (you know, like Chris Tucker in Friday) but that don't have nothing to do with your question. I just thought you should Know.

Boy !!!!?

i just started a new school and all the guys think im hot and heeps of guys like me and stuff. but theres this one guy who i think i like but when i first met him i thought he was a jerk. He would ask me all these questions like would u ever do any thing with me and i would just be like **** off. after a while he started siting next to me in cl and i started answering his questions and he turned out to be reely funny and actually nice. he would always touch my legs in cl and say there y and i would let him but he wants to do more and i dont let him because were in cl. he has even told my frend that he likes me and wants to ask me out but he still hasnt. when im around him i feel reely happy and stuff but wen i see him at lunch or recess he never talks to me then i start feeling reely depresed. i have even heard other girls saying that he always asks them those questions as well but i keep telling myself that hes different towards me and that he doesnt just want . coz im new to school i had to pick a new elective so i picked graphics which i have no idea about and the guy was in my cl and he was teaching me how to do it for the whole period instead of doing his own work and it seemed reely sweet. do you think that hes only doing this to get or do u think he actually likes me ??

Why can't I get music onto my Zune?

I just downloaded a bunch of Jon Lajoie songs from a file-sharing site called "Ares" and i just updated my Zune. Apparently I can only sync songs that are on "my collection", but the Jon Lajoie songs don't show up. Wtf is wrong?

Will a mockingbird eat out of a bird feeder?

Mockingbirds enjoy eating suet in a suet feeder. They also enjoy eating fruits (gs, blackberries, and raspberries), raisins, and sunflower seeds. They will also eat bread. In addition, mockingbirds enjoy eating berries from from trees. Some trees they are attracted to are Mulberry, Dogwood, and Cherry. Keep a water source near the feeder. Mockingbirds enjoy bathing and will drink the water, too. Keep predators out of your yard so they won't scare away the mockingbirds.

Who will the left blame for all their failures and the worlds ills when Bush leaves office?

I think it has become so common place in these people to have a knee jerk reaction and blame bush for everything I'm not sure what they will do when he leaves office? Will they just continue to blame him anyhow with the same irrational thought process... or will they start to blame Romney, Rudy or Huckabee when one of them take over? If they pull off an upset and win the election... will they blame Bush when things get worse and their lack of ideas don't solve anything?

Does she like me or .. ?

Well i think that the girl likes you and is trying to get your attension. If you like the girl i think you should just ask her out. but if you dont like her dont pay any attention to her and just dont look at her or speek to her. once she gets the message that you dont care she will leave you alone. If she still carries on just tell her to leave you alone. good luck :-)

Does anyone know of one war since 1900 that couldn’t have been prevented i.e. worthwhile war for a good reason?

Vietnam's invasion of Cambodia in 1979 which brought to an end the murderous regime of Pol Pot, year zero, and the infamous killing fields.

Is the official sony ps3 headset comfortable to wear for long periods?

the over the ear ones are a bit uncomfortable, as they dont' exactly suit everyone's ear (like mine). still, if you were to buy a third party one, you can't go wrong with logitech. some of their things made have even been officially licensed by sony in the past. i prefer the ones that go around the head too. if your ear starts to get sore or uncomfortable, you can always simply wear it around your neck and just talk into the mic.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Where is Tracy McGrady?

how come i dont see him in their bench supporting for his team? its been awhile since i watch NBA games, ive been pretty busy lately. so im just wondering, is he injured or something?

Why do parents let their children use dummy's/pacifiers well into toddlerhood?

Just wondering, I see lot's of bigger children with them. Doesn't it affect their speech? and not to mention teeth...

I Am Being Highjacked By!?

use this , the free version is fantastic. do it in safe mode, email me , i will tell you how to do that if you do not know. a href="" rel="nofollow"

Is withdrawal from the war in Iraq a Catch-22 tragedy where it's immoral to stay & even more immoral to leave?

The answers you've gotten are great, so I won't write too much except to say that it's refreshing to see a young person who is so informed and intelligent about the world. Thank you for not being an apathetic youth who doesn't know or care about what's going on over there. I do agree that it's the worst mistake ever made, and I think it's like Vietnam 2. One day you are going to a leader in this world and I think you are going to change it for the better. You're a young genius, but more importantly you are compionate, diplomatic, and you care. I'm looking forward to the day when you are in charge.

I am writing a horror mystery novel. What are some ways that I can make it scary without making it bloody?

Have a stalker, that knows everything about the rest of the characters. I thinks movies and novels like that are creepy.

Can i use a crock pot bag in the oven?

I was just wondering if I can use a crock pot bag in the oven or will it melt cause of the higher temp. If anyone knows please help!!!

MOUSE, Rodent Problem !!?

Be aware that the mice will not necessarily need a food source in the room to nest there. Or it may not be a nest - they may simply be 'commuting' through the room on the way from a food source to the nest. They are probably finding a way into cupboards and the like. Try putting food into plastic containers out of their reach. I know it's a pain, but so's having a mouse infestation! Keep an eye out for droppings for clues as to where to lay more traps. Look for 'choke points' - places where the mouse has only a few choices of routes to go through as a trap is more likely to be successful here. As for bait I would try something like cereal as it is closer to what mice would eat in the wild and they are more likely to trust it.

Is it okay to italicize a word, just for emphasis?

It's fine in general, yes, but not in the context in which you're using it. That should be all normal type.

Who has seen Mclovin of Yoville?

I keep seeing this jack named Mclovin on Yoville with a cowfag hat and pedostasche and a gay *** smile and a stupid stick that he probobly shoves up his digital *** thinking about his mom. Iam mad at him beacuse he is in special ed and I think he is a lier beacuse no reatard can type in full sentances. and if he is well he should die then. I hate Mc especially also the fact he likes Pearl Jam whoz iz that some ****** band? He then turned down a yoville ho beacuse he doesntlike digital Pu$$Y I said u must *** ur mamma cowfuka. He then called me wigger anmd I said ur racist and I want to find him to lynch is kowfuka ***.

Who is the guy that plays Zeth on The Pacifier? Jw.

Who is the guy that plays Zeth on The Pacifier? Jw. Lol I watched that movie on TV a few days ago, but I missed the credits. I think I've seen him somewhere before.

Do u think I should apologize to evolutionists?

My entire conception of historical progression was so backwards due to my previous racist beliefs in genetic hereditarianism.� Now that I am enlightened, I ignore any claims about hereditary intelligence, criminality, or aggressiveness.� I realize that hereditary traits are relevant to mammalian evolution or to horse breeding, dog breeding, and animal husbandry, but I am educated enough to realize that they bear no relation to human behavior or capability.� It was the outdated, hateful, and racist beliefs of the past that justified studying human genetic patterns.� These bigoted views considered humans to be subject to the same biological laws of nature as animals.� We are so fortunate that humanity has surped that misconception and broken free from silly concerns like eugenics and genetics

Will this configuration work for crysis and such games?

4 Gig RAM is definitely a high amount, it should be more then enough for most PC games, though of course turning down the settings a little bit is always worth it rather then spending another 100 + Dollars in getting a slightly better RAM. If you really want to make sure, im sure you can visit the home page of the game you want to play, and check out the required specs, you can also join their forum and display this information for direct answers on that specific game.

Which pokemon should be in my party, arcanine or typhlosion?

which pokemon should be in my party... ~arcanine: hasty nature, moves: fire blast/dragon pulse/flamethrower/extreme speed~ or ~typhlosion: hardy nature, moves: blast burn/flamethrower/eruption/fire blast~ (they won't learn more moves and the level doesn't matter to me considering I will just level them up to 100 either way)

Why do so many Republicans rail against government spending and yet were all for the F-22 Raptor program?

Even the Pentagon has claimed for years was wasteful and unnecessary! Is it only because Obama was the one willing to pull the plug?

What portion of the people on Y!A haven't a clue how horrible Hitler was to people?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How can I make fun of my friend?

Two of my friends have been taking part in for the past three and a half months. One is named David and the other is named Rain. David has impeccable diction and uncontrollably corrects grammatical errors. Rain told me that David corrected a grammatical error she made while in the act of . I want a few creative ideas in order to torture him with this abashing revelation.

Help with writing a book... similar to catcher in the rye?

I'm trying to write a book (similar to the cynical tone of Catcher in the Rye or Perks of Being a Wallflower...obviously my book won't be as good as these ones but I'm just bored =D). I can't seem to think of a really good starting area for the plot.. I mean I have ideas that I want to happen in the middle of the story, but how do I get a good story started.. Do I introduce the character? Do I start with a tragedy? .... Help!!!

How difficult is it to transfer to an out of state university or college in terms of course equivalency ?

I currently attend a community college in Illinois, and am anticipating to transfer to the University of Oklahoma in a year from now. I got everything going for me now because I have a 3.8 gpa, memeber of phi theta kappa, and i am Hispanic. I just having a difficult in finding course equivalency guides that are not just state-wide. I'm almost positive that the cles that I am taking and have taken will transfer, but i want to make sure. What can i do to getter a better hold of this situation??

What are your views on people that are deaf or hard of hearing?

It's not a turnoff, it's just awkward dating someone deaf. A lot of guys would still do it though, it just depends on how you handle yourself and all. I don't think their judging you, I'm pretty sure if they knew about your situation then they'de be a lot more sympatheticic. Hey I'll tell you right now if I liked you, I wouldn't let the whole "hearing" thing get to me.

How to say "save water" in Mandarin Chinese?

How do you say "save water" in Mandarin? My dictionary has provided no answers, my parents only speak Cantonese and my sister is hopeless. By "saving water", I mean as in conserving water, and reducing water consumption. I've also tried the online translators, but they keep giving me translations equivalent to "rescue the water". Urgh.

Start FAVRE or FLAACO Week 16?

Brett Favre Vikings and Co. Have lost the last two games and Brett has had poor numbers. This week he is playing MNF in Chicago against Da Bears, after media confrentations with his head coach. So do Vikings go on to lose another or will Brett tear it up MNF. FLAACO on the other hand is tearing it up right now and will continue to tear it up against a crappy Steelers defense at the moment, he had a career high last week in ping yards.

The Little Mermaid?

Could you please tell me where to look for the easter eggs on the 2 disc dvd? Is it just me or did they not put enough mermaid stuff on the dvd? They are missing jodi's music video and some videocette release trailers also they could have put mor up to date stars on the dvd beside just ashley tisdales music video. what do you think? I wanted more on it. I wanted Kelly Clarkson to take on "part of your world" but life aint fair.

Will The Sims 3 play smoothly on this laptop?

The graphic card is weak for this game. I would suggest you to get one with good graphic card for Sims 3...

Auto Insurance Question?

I was in a auto accident on December 4th of this year. I was not the driver, my uncle was, and it was his fault. I am almost 27 years old and married, I am renting a home with my parents, all of our names are on the lease. I sustained a back injury due to the accident. I told the agent that all I wanted was my medical bills & prescriptions to be covered. He said alright and that a bodily injury adjuster would be in contact with me and to give any bills & other things that come in to my uncle, which I have. I got a call from the agent the other day and he said he needed my parents auto insurance information since i am a non driver, that apparently my parents insurance that doesn't cover me at all has to cover my medical bills. Is this right or is this insurance company trying to screw me over. I am not legally my parents responsibility and I explained that to this guy, but he keeps telling me that they aren't paying my bills that my parents insurance has to cover me cause I live in a house with them. Any advice on this would be much appreciated.

A tree falls in the forest...?

I know why can't we invade a tropical paradise. I'm sick of going to the desert. I think we should attack Brazil and take their hotties!!

'97 Prelude standard stereo - No RCA... How do i hook up a sub?

just get a hi-lo converter and tap into the existing speaker wires and your output would have RCA. They usually go for under $20.

This is bad news for bikers in CAlifornia?

It does suck if they do p that law. The reason I split lanes is because my MC is air cooled. Keeping it moving keeps the engine cooler. I hate when cagers try to be law enforcement and attempt to squeeze you. That is what should be illegal!!

Atheists, What are the logical paradoxes between omnipotence, perfection, omnipresence and omniscience ?

Well, omnipotence and omnibenevolence cannot both be attributed to God seeing as we can observe unnecessary suffering everywhere.

Was Lady in Lady and the Tramp an english er spaniel or an american er spaniel?

i would guess it was an english er spaniel because they live in europe, but in the disney movie, she looked like an american er

Here's an exercise for you NRL fans suffering withdrawal symptoms and who like a mental challenge.?

Knights 10...That is an awsome team you got there for both top and bottom 8. I won't contend with that. So my answer to this excellent question is the same as Knights 10.

Is Santa Claus real????

I asked this already and people said he was but some said no! Hes real right?? Cause if hes not real whos leaving me those presents!? So hes real right???

Takeover at rangers??

From what I have read about Ellis he seems to be the figurehead of a consortium of property developers hoping to take over. I really don't think that Ellis himself has the financial clout to mount a takeover without the backing of other interested parties. I would not want property developers taking over my club, no matter who they were or how much they invested.

Sirius Black as John Bender?

My sister and I are currently looking for a pencil drawn picture that we found on the internet a while back of Sirius Black depicted as John Bender from the Breakfast Club. Does anyone have the link to this photo?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Please help! My new Toshiba laptop has gone on strike.?

Let the little round circle spin for approximately 10 minutes. To wake up and load your 90000 wor doc may take some time. Your computer may be in the hibrinate mode also. Read your manual for instruction on how to come out of that mode. Good luck.

Need recommendation on a good Bible dictionary?

I have used several dictionaries at different times and I have not found much difference between all of them. Just as I find all English language dictionaries to be fairly equal.

Probably gonna sound crazy, put help please..?

Annie, the animals I skin are partially thawed, I want the skin to just be able to move over the muscles. As I remove the skin I like to have a bucket of warm water with a sponge, I use this to loosen up the skin around the joints. A couple of other thoughts, wear some surgical type glove, don't wipe your face or eyes while your skinning, I'm not sure about southern Ga but in Texas we have to ume that all varmints have rabies. Good luck and good hunting.

Sick? -- Chills, sore throat, shortness of breath, body aches, tiredness?

Call your doctor and ask for tamiflu. It will knock it out quickly as long as you take it withing 12 to 48 hours from when you first had symptoms. If it is H1N1, there are antivirals that are effective for that strain, too.

Poll: how does religion affect your life?

well, biual, and religion especifically catholicism, affect me really badly,...not completely,..but when you look on its followers, will probably know what i mean

Purple hair dye over orange hair dye?

I had Napalm Orange by Special Effects in my hair but it's pretty much gone due to chlorine in a pool. So there is a little orange still on my roots and underneath some layers. If I put Purple Haze by Manic Panic in my hair will the parts with the orange turn out like a gross brown or something? Or should it be fine?

How do I tell my parents that I don't believe in Catholicism anymore?

I was raised Catholic, and am now starting to realize that I don't necessarily believe in the teachings. I've gone through this once before, right before I got confirmed, but now I really believe that I shouldn't be Catholic. I want to explore and go to my friends' churches, but my parents won't let me! How do I tell them?

What are some things that make Gatsby 'not great' in the Great Gatsby besides that he was a bootlegger? thanks?

His lavish parties seem ostentatious and wasteful. he tries to steal another mans wife AND he wrecks a car

Can I plant my yukka outside (New Zealand location)?

My yukka is about 8ft tall and can no longer be accommodated in our room without the leaves being forced to bend. We live in Wellington New Zealand, and my garden is north facing (thats the equivalent of south facing for those of you in the northern hemisphere). So we have all day sun. I am sure I have seen yukkas growing in other people's gardens - some of them much taller than their houses. Freddie's (thats the yukka) trunk is just 3 ft high, the rest are leaves. I rescued him from someone who could no longer look after him. I repotted him straight away, and in the last 2 months he has grown 4 new leaves and his other foliage has really perked up. So it would be a shame to plonk him outside and lose him to the cold nights. Appreciate any suggestions and advice from other new zealanders! Cheers.

What do you think about steroids in baseball?

with manny ramirez just getting busted, do you think they should get a more serious penalty or should they do something else?

What is the best weight loss/ dietary pill to take?

I am looking for something that maybe increases metabolism. Something that works alone and not with exercise.

How can i improve my grades in math?

First forget that math is a difficult subject. You may start from the chapters & questions that you under stand easily . Keep on solving the easy questions again & again , it will make you feel confident & than come to chapters/questions that are difficult . You may take the help of your cl mates. Try to be remain in the co of students that are good at maths.

Why did CPS call me? (sorry for long question but please read it all) - Repost?

Keep in mind if they wanted to take the child they most likely wouldnt call, but just come right over. Try to get a hold of someone else at CPS and explain that you are freaked out and need to know what is happening.

Who wants to work for the minimum wage?

The federally mandated minimum wage recently rose to $6.55. Woo-Hoo! I don’t know anyone who works for the minimum wage. I don’t know of anyone who strives to work for the minimum wage. I don’t know anyone who wants to be minimal! In fact I believe the minimum wage acts a hindrance to success. So, Who wants to work for the minimum wage and why?

Should I trade Garcon or Collie for Crabtree?

its worth it to trade one of them. Very rarely are you going to play both of them and its always going to be a tough decision because peyton spreads it out, either one can pull off a big game. i would go with trading garcon only because of how collie started. crabtree will do good one SF gets into a rhythm.

Do you know the name/brand of the/a doll that cries until you give it it's bottle or pacifier?

I'm looking for one for my 18 month old. My friend's daughter had one and my daughter was just fasinated with it, but I don't know where she got it.

Is there anyway i can buy authentic shoes straight from the factories in China that make them?

I wanted to know if there was anyway that i could import authentic shoes(ex. nike, puma, converse) straight from the factories in china and if so can u please post legit sites that i can go to, so that i can make these purchases.

What kind of accessories would go with this?

A couple Asian orphans, like the ones Angelina Jolie sports in all the magazines, can go a long way to accessorize almost any motif!

How do you professionally tell someone that you are no longer interested in purchasing..?

just say, I no longer would like to buy the tickets. Tell them something came up, or more directly its none of their damn business.


I don't really consider myself "white" but I look similar to white people. I'm actually mediterranean, black people had the right to vote before my people did. I have been a black activist since the 5th grade when I learned about racism. Before that, most of my friends were black, and I honestly had no idea that skin color had any singnificance. Anyway, in 5th grade, we read a book about MLK jr and I started crying in cl. I was so disgusted and shocked over what I had read. I frequently piss people off by challenging their racist comments, and I absolutely HATE the N word. No one should say that word, its sick. As far as how I feel about blacks.... I feel like they are no different than me, or you or anyone (biologically). Sociologically and Psychologically, of course they would be different because of their environment. Black people have had SO many forces against them and STILL do. Yes, we have a half-black president-elect, but we are still not all the way there. Ok I think I rambled enough lol but I have plenty more to say!!

Does anyone still believe in Jesus, or Santa Claus?

25th December approaches, I must admit I was 7 or 8 before I stopped believing in Santa, and maybe even as high as 11 before the force fed sh1t about Jesus began to wear off, does anyone still believe in either of these myths?

Before you judge others?

If I'm not mistaken FDR didn't have two 'sweethearts'. He had a wife (who was also his cousin). And he had a mistress which she helped choose for him because she was no longer interested in being romantically involved with him. Other than that you have a lot of fascinating and (as far as I know) accurate information here. Most people would make the wrong choices based on the limited information given. Except for the last bit. Who would want to work with people like that? And yet they have the responsibility of making decisions for all of us.

What do you think of the Potter films being kept as 12's and under's? (Possible spoilers)?

yea i noticed that in the trailers, but anyway, people still said the movie (deathly hallows) is more sinister and dark than any of the other films and i think one of the producer's said the MPAA is going to have a hard time giving an actual rating for both parts- idk, we'll just wait and see

What do I do in a situation where I was purchasing a car that got recked the next day by an uninsured driver?

what ever money you paid demand back/thats no friend/the whole thing was set up by the seller/i cant figure out why people buy from people that have all these problems/the car is not yours/if she gets huffy she has to sue you and the guy that hit you/you cannot sue the guy for damages because its not your car/title and ownership pes in mv/for right now you are out the money that you have paid/sit tight and see what happens//by the by forget that bull pappy about i was gonna get insurance/having insurance on a car is as important as having brakes/you wouldnt drive a car that had no brakes/this is what happens/all y ou needed was a credit card and a vin number and this stuff would be in somebody elses lap

Christians/Muslims, you do realize that....?

there's only one Law besides Human Laws? And that's the Law of Nature. Not some Fairy-Tale Book like the Bible and the Qu'ran.

Which name is Best for my Son??

Again, very unique names! I'd say I have to choose Jude Alexander. I'd also suggest Joan/Jone Alexander and Henry Marcus.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is Muay Thai or KickBoxing more useful for MMA career?

I want to start trainning MMA and i wanted to know which of these 2 [Muay Thai - KickBoxing] is more useful for MMA?

No monitor signal on PC boot?

if those things dont get detected then you may have to change the motherboard or if it is an AT motherboard (one that most have expansion cards) then change it BUT get someone to check the system first to be certain

Opinion on the Saint vs Vikings game (and Saints vs Colts)?

the vikings would of easily won if farve & peterson had their heads in the game..the saints was no competition for the vikes. I agree with you; the vikes had a bizarre amount of fumbles & interceptions yet the scoreboard was tied? I give props to their defense for holding the saints down. I personally do not like the saints; I thought they were imature for taunting jared allens dance, I thought they were dumb & mean for tackling the punt returner after he called a fair catch.( what makes that even worse was that he was kneeled down!) I understand football is suppose to be aggresive, but there is a fine line to being aggressive & being an ***. The vikes will have to train peterson to be able to "hold a football" and for farve to not be scared & run the football if no ones open instead of taking the chances and throwing it away.

To All Atheists Out There - Do You Know God's Evolution Theory ?

that is why he hasnt revealed to me i am very wonder he has revealed to you since you look pretty stupid

Selections acts directly on (A)phenotype, (b)genotype, (c)entire genome or (d)entire gene pool?

(A) phenotype. Changes in (B) and (C) are not subject to selection unless they are expressed as some sort phenotypic change and (D) could be a result of selection acting directly on phenotype.

Find improper integral from 0 to 1 of x/[(1-x)^2/3] dx if it is convergent?

I've been trying substitution for this one but it hasn't been working. Someone give me some advice please.

How does someone look mexican?

Well, it would be foolish to say one is a "full blooded Mexican", but a Russian probably wouldn't be mistaken for a local in Mexico City. Not all White people look the same.

What is the difference between electric and magnetic field?

Wherever there is electricity, there are also electric and magnetic fields, invisible lines of force created by the electric charges. Electric fields result from the strength of the charge while magnetic fields result from the motion of the charge, or the current. Electric fields are easily shielded: they may be weakened, distorted or blocked by conducting objects such as earth, trees, and buildings,but magnetic fields are not as readily blocked. Electriccharges with opposite signs (positive and negative) at-tract each other, while charges with the same sign repeleach other. The forces of attraction and repulsion create electric fields whose strength is related to “voltage” (elec-trical pressure). These forces of attraction or repulsionare carried through space from charge to charge by the electric field. The electric field is measured in volts permeter (V/m) or in kilovolts per meter (kV/m). A group of charges moving in the same direction is called an “elec-tric current.” When charges move they create additional forces known as a “magnetic field.” The strength of a magnetic field is measured in “gauss” (G) or “tesla” (T),while the electric current is measured in “amperes” (amps).The strength of both electric and magnetic fields decreaseas one moves away from the source of these fields.

Muslims, Prophet Mohammad's Photo ?

You may be able to contact the makers of the website and ask them to remove the images. I am sure that a site like Wikipedia would not want to cause offense to anyone and would remove them if requested to do so.

Arnold palmer 630 OS putter?


If I sweat with this foundation on, what will happen?

So it is really hot where I am (100 degrees!) and I am new to foundation. Infact, tomorrow is going to be the first time ever that I am going to wear it to school. Anyways, I am using Physicians Formula Mineral Wear mineral foundation. When I start sweating ( and I sweat right in my homeroom!!!) what will happen to my makeup? Will it maybe smear? come off? I just dont want it to look cakey. I want to know if I sweat, will my makeup still look natural and give my skin coverage? I REALLY NEED TO KNOW!!

GIRLS: What flirting methods work best on you?

Just want to know ( im in high school ) such as poking side, hugh behind and stuff like that, what do you really love ? thank you :)

How do I make sure our pit bull has a good temperament?

My family and I have just been given a male pit bull puppy. He is eight weeks are SOOOO cute! I've always wanted a pit bull but when my Aunt and Uncle kinda forced him on us (Auntie HATES dogs) my mother was pretty skeptical... We have always raised loving, fun, gentle dogs. This puppy,i've noticed, has a little bit of a temperament problem. He growls at our year old dog Sadie when she gets close to their bed...Or close to their food and when their playing bites her pretty hard so she runs away. I know he is just a puppy but all of the other dogs we've had before never were that temper mental. We don't want him growing up to be an aggressive dog. Any suggestions?

Windows XP SP3. Is it a cynical attempt to sabotage XP ?

I have been using XP SP3 since it's release, Not a problem in fact it is the most stable windows platform I have ever used and I've used all of them from way back.

Is the desire to have a personality / mental disorder a disorder in itself?

I've been thinking about psychology a lot lately and I was wondering this: if one wants to have some kind of disorder, does one? I know, it sounds a little like a paradox...

What to do about my schizophrenic friend?

what a horrible world JESUS.. get your phone number changed first off.... and this ones so heavy its absurd there alotta people with the same problems .. its a horrible world... notice you mention the antichrist.... he may be better on pills true millions of us do alot better on pills......... hes not crazy but this world sure is AMERICA is CRAZY.. actually theres no such thing as schizophrenic... he has the same symptoms on pills he just is calmer and can do something besides be a ter brain to the real world.. we all worry about the governement of the USA...even while we sleep we worry about it.... we all know how evil it is.. take a sheet of paper get a color marker get him to sit down stay calm insist til he does it.. make him write JESUS on a sheet of paper.. and so he brags he can hack ignore it... GOD BLESS YOU BOTH.. SATAN IS BOTHERING HIM ..

What is the best kind of cheese for this?

My favorite for fruit is brie, just warm in the oven (not real hot) and dip any fruit. I swear it is mmmmmmm.

Does Khalifa suppose to be Allah made or man made?

Quran: 2:30] Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a Khalifa on earth." They said: "Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood?- whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not."

Can I use a photograph in a thesis or dissertation?

It has been 100 years, and is now public domain, meaning you CAN use it. I have no idea how to cite it or include it though.

How do you like the flow and language of this one?

I will be honest. poems are best composed when they come they deep within the poet. also, when the poet puts there words together, if just half of the people walk away from reading your type poem maybe even not comprehending what they just read; but, instead they take a look at how a poem such as this and instead of trying to make any sense of it; they maybe and to be honest hopefully come up with thier own interpretations and that makes for a pretty darn good poet! I came up with my own interptetation and I related it to my childhood. so, thank you! hope to hear more of your poems

Mixed bipolar disorder?

Being bi-polar is very serious. I am not a doctor, but it sounds to me as if you do not have real "mania". You may not be not ready to settle down with a boy friend, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Are there any reports or research on severe headaches experienced by people following the South Beach Diet?

My 49 year old sister lost 35 pounds following the South Beach Diet, and has stayed at a weight of 110 pounds since she began the diet over four years ago. She was just hopitalized for three days due to an excruciating headache. She had to be heavily sedated with Demerol she was in so much pain. An MRI & contrast CAT Scan found nothing abnormal. Finally, her doctor gave her an injection of some kind of medication in her neck to block the pain and she was released from the hospital. I recently heard a radio report by a well known nutritionist (Gary Null) who stated that he believes the Atkins Diet -- and similar high protein low carb diets -- have very serious negative long term health consequences. Headaches was one of the many problems he mentioned. A quick search using Google did yield some articles on this subject, but I'm wondering if anyone can comment on their own experience or maybe point to additional research.

Info about the (current) military and war? Easy 10 points for best/most detailed answer!?

I am writing a story centering around a man who is in the army and is caught and sent to a POW camp. I don't really need to know anything about POW and such, but if anyone had any info about the military in general. Like how long does one go through basic training before they are sent overseas? While overseas, what are the basic duties involved with being a soldier? Like would anyone happen to know what they do on a daily basis? Any info about the military and war would be appreciated. And I am Canadian, but I would like an American perspective, seeing as they're more invested in the war.

PSTD in ancient times?

Getting 2 ton bombs dropped directly on your head is a hell of a lot more traumatic than getting stabbed with a sword.



Is it possible to get a job dealing cards without casino school?

Hi there, I've been considering pursuing a career dealing cards for quite some time. The only thing is if I don't have to go to school for it I don't want to. I've been dealing at a local place dealing poker and blackjack two nights a week for the past two years. It is a nonprofit charity gaming program and I think I'm pretty comparable to the dealers I've seen in casinos. What I'm really asking is will the casino give me the time of day to get an audition to deal there? I know I'm good, i know poker and blackjack, and i'm willing to learn other games, do I have a chance without the school?

Pendulum problem?

a 15kg ball of radius 4cm is suspended from a point 2.94m above the floor by an iron wire of unstretched length 2.85m. the diameter of a wire is 0.090cm and it's young's modulus is 1.8*10to the 11 power N/msquared. if the ball is set swinging so that its center pes through the lowest point at 5m/s by how much does the bottom of the ball clear the floor?

What do you think was the most exciting F1 race?

Im thinking Japan when Kimi came from the back to win and overtook Fisi on the first corner of the last lap, or Micheal and Mika in Spa?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Why do NFL fans want the K.C. Chiefs to be losers?

First of all, let me say that I realize the Chiefs have done some stupid things under ex GM Carl Peterson. But he is gone now and a new era is being embarked upon with the aquisition of Scott Pioli at GM. Mr. Pioli has chosen a guy to coach, Todd Haley, who has a pretty stellar, albeit unproven career. Haley is well connected and comes from the school of Parcells. The Chiefs certainly have not had time to put together a run at superbowl this coming season. But is not true that we live in an NFL era where teams come from nowhere to beingthere in 2 years? When I read all the predictions it amazes me to see how people pick the Chiefs to win 3 games this coming season. And that is in the worst division, aside the Chargers, in football. Why do NFL fans hate the chiefs?

Who will win forest griffin or rich franklin?

griffin is at a tie with bj for my fav fighter cause they are both fighters with huge heart and it's unfortunate griffin had to pull out against lil nog last june cause he'd probally he'd be in title contention again i'm not saying he would of walked tru nog but he could of pulled off a solid victory but anyways franklin did not impress me against liddel but he is still dangerous i think griffin will keep him at bay with his length and kickboxing and come in to exchange and then cut back out well anyways my prediction is griffin via 2nd rnd sub or at least a 30-27 ud maybe i'm just bias what do you guys think

Okay, so which uber-minority will be tapped to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Stevens?

Sotomayor was not seems we are hell-bent on filling the bench with the most extreme-minded people in the 20 years the Court will be composed entirely of radicals, "affirmative action babies", and mutants.

Explain the relationship between meiosis and Down's Syndrome, Turner's Syndrome, and Kleinfelter's Syndrome.?

I need help. something about gametes. i think the asnwer might be something about how all of those disorders were caused by problems during meiosis in the parents. ?

Not the typical teenage author. Would you care to read my weird/dark stories?

I read the first 2 stories you posted. they aren't really my kind of stories, but i still loved them! I think you are a great writer! you really have a way of capturing the readers attention, that is why i liked them. keep up the good work!

What happens if a minor does this?

Ya one of my buddies is 15 but hes taking or wants to take horny goat weed and im concerned cuz guys his age cant take viagra or theyll get like a heart attack i just want to know what will happen to him if he takes this crap cuz if it will hurt him id like to warn him

Angie's list. It seems to me this company is just asking for lawsuits. How do they prevent fraud?

The whole concept of this site seems odd and seems as though it could be abused to hurt businesses. For instance, Let's say you own a car repair shop and people log on and say bad things about you simply because they are your competitor. The offended company could possibly sue for slander. Any experience or thoughts on this?

Why do the British add R's to the end of words that end with A?

The Americans tend to emphasise the "r" letter in any word by rolling their tongue. This letter is silent when the British pronounces words with this letter. Not sure why but I think the British way of pronounciation sounds more formal or regal. Just listen to how Simon Cowell talks as compared to Paula Abdul and Ryan Seacrest and you will know what I mean.

What exactly is affirmative action?

affirmative action does not only contribute to race but gender, age, etc..all the things we are NOT suppose to take into effect when hiring a person;; so, ironically, they came up with affirmative action to 'make sure' the people who were being disciminated against, were being placed in the jobs (or now schools) BECAUSE they were of a, pick your choice, afirmative action, diversity, whatever you want to call it..most people feel the job should be given to the person that can actually do the job & NOT because of the reasons that laws were made to curtail things like this..ironic, no?? but what they were trying to do was to place people in jobs & "not look" like they were favoring one race, gender, age group over another...well, now look what we've got...possibly a lot of people that don't truly 'qualify' for the job..possibly more law suits because of this new 'rule' applied...well, I guess I'm not neutral..but I truly believe in a good work ethic, not a good 'feel-sorry-for campaign'...

What is the law for a father taking his children to his house, if the mother says no... in the UK?

He can certainly apply to the court and the court will make an order which appears to be best in the children's interests. That is the focus in care proceedings; it's not a question of which parent is entitled to what so much as a question of what will most benefit the children. They, after all, are entitled to spend time with their father and only if there is evidence of their not being properly treated or being exposed to bad influences will the court refuse him access. However, they are very young still and perhaps it isn't appropriate for them to be away from their mother at this stage.

I did worse on my 2nd Fit Test for Insanity. Should I feel bad?

I just completed my 2nd Fit Test for Insanity! Woo-hoo! But the first time I did 64 Power Knees and this time I only did 60. I improved in the other 7 categories. Should I feel like a loser?

15 year old son out of control?

This is the kind of issue that should be directed towards a professional like family counseling,a social worker or whatever. This is obviously nothing of which i myself nor can anybody else handle

Rate my fantasy team?

This Team Definetley does Not Suck!!!. Mauer is a great catcher, and can be of great fantasy trade value if you ever decide to trade him for a power hitter. You have a lot of speed, Expect Rollins to have a bounce back season, Troy Tulowitzki in my opinion is the best SS, in the game. Pitching is Solid, Felix Hernandez, Francisco Liriano, are 2 great pitchers who you shouldn't trade. If it were up to me, i would trade Rivera though, you could get a solid hitter like kelly johnson, and a good closer to replace him. other than that your team looks pretty solid, i'd give it a 8/10. hope this helped!

What was your 2ww symptoms when you got your BFP?

My lower back hurt, my were sore I had heartburn (only once which in it self is weird for me since I never have heartburn) and some Major gas

What do you think of my story? First part special.?

Well, it has the potential to be a good story. There are honestly lots of punctuation and capitalization errors. It sounds like it would be interesting, but I haven't been able to get a sense for the plot yet. Just keep in mind to fix those punctuation and capitalization errors, because they can get annoying if they go on for a while. Good job!

Why do some people on here type "Edit: blah blah" instead of just editing their answer?

Like if they want to add something or correct a spelling typo, theyll go back to their answer and add a line that says "Edit: and the info they want to add". Why not just change what you want to change without typing "edit"?

How does a 13 year old girl gain a six pack?

Okay well I am 13 going on 14 in November. I am about 5 foot 1 and weigh 90 pounds. I realize I do not need to lose weight. I want to gain muscle in my stomach. I want a six pack. I do participate in sports such as Cross Country, Basketball & Track. I am in athletics and at the moment we are doing P90X. I have a little stomach fat covering my muscles. How can I get rid of that? What should I eat? I no longer drink any sodas. Its strictly water with Powerades. What are some excerizises I can do? And how often? Thanks so much.

Doesn't global warming suck?

I'm totally not worried. I just want an opinion. The ozone will be filled with crap in like the year 5,000

Trivia! Stanley Cup questions?

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AFFIRMATIVE ACTION:help or hindrance?

AA is a joke. It is racist in itself and all it should be abolished..race, age and Gender. Any job should go the the most qualified person. Male or female, black, white, hispanic...whatever.

Is my labour approaching and how soon will it be in days please.?

I am 38 weeks and 2 days today. I lost my mucus plug 3 weeks ago and have been getting some string stomach cramping when i have a braxton hicks contraction. I am not sleeping as much as i usually do but when i do fall asleep i go into a deep sleep but when i wake up i find it hard to get back to sleep. I keep cleaning up, scrubbing my skirting boards and door frames and hoovering and polishing things that i have already done, i do this so much that i wear myself out an get too tired to do anything else for the rest of the day. I have got permenant backache in my lower back and am getting cramping pains in my groin down to a quarter of the way to my knee on the insides of my legs. I am also getting bad dreams about my dad dying and bad things happeneing to my family members. I also am feeling sick and going to the toilet more, i am 2cm dilated but my babys head is not engaged yet. Please help me and any good sound advice that will help me go into labour thanks. xxx

How hard is it to crochet?

I find it much easier than knitting; 90% of it is learning to hold the crochet hook and feed the yarn evenly, without making it too loose or too tight. When you get that down, the stitches are easy.

Need a name for my alaskan malamute pup?

shes silver/grey and white a big ball of fluff, want something short, her pals are Roxy, Poppy and Rio

Anybody receiving an email from year 1969??

i keep receiving a blank email from the date 12/31/69. i constantly try to delete it, however, it will reappear a few minutes later. Any ideas on how to make it stop?

I need a good reproductive work that i can do in my house, any ideas?

my husband doesnt let me work out of the house because of our children. and i need some income on my behalf, so i need an idea that i can start doing and start getting money. i'm a very creative person, i know how to crochet and make anything. i know how to bake, cook, sew, draw, paint, and even read tarot cards and pendulums. but the thing is that i have tryed everything, but people just wanna give what ever they want for my things. i mean my cooking is delicious, it takes hard work you know? but i need something that will work. so please someone tell me what to do! and please no mean answers.

What's the weirdest HP shipping you've heard of?

WOW those are absolutly hillarious.. well i think my favorite has to be the giant squid and the whomping willow haha ..... no my real favorite is TONKS & REMUS!!!!!! =]]

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I have a Spirit/Ghost In my House And Would Like To Communicate With Her?

she is obviously not a threat to you and probably just does not know she has ped on or does not want to go in to the light you can just ask her if she wants to talk get a tape recorder or digital recorder and ask her questions about why she is here ETC wait for a FEW Min's before asking other questions to give her time to respond then when you feel like your done visiting play back the tape and listen carefully to what you ask and for her Response many spirits just don't realize they are gone or need to go in to the light don't be afraid she most likely could use the friendship and some one to talk to it takes energy for a Spirit to appear and Communicate battery's and electrical items can sometimes be used to support the spirits force just let her know you are not going to hurt her and tell her you are not afraid of her

Mma workout, can you guys please help?

I am trying to get into better shape. I have been doing kickboxing and jiu jitsu and a little bit of mma, however i need to get stronger. Now here is the thing, I hate lifting weights, I do not know why I just hate it and cannot get into it. What are some workouts that I can do that either do not take much time or I do not have to lift a lot for.


I remember seeing a clip of american idol..where some man...singing opera...surprises paul and you can see paula and simon in shock crying. I dont see the show...but i remember that clip...does anone know where in can find it

What would you think of a 48 year old man that still loves to "rock out" heavy & still goes to hard rock cncrt?

44 female and 21 yr old daughter who went to U2 and black eyed peas at univ of phoenix stadium floor seats tues oct 20, first time ever seeing U2 for the both of us!

Do you think the southern hemisphere skies are better?

I want to see the southern sky so bad. I been interested in astronomy for years, but have only observed in the northern hemisphere. Do you guys think the southern sky wipes the floor with the northern sky? more stuff to look at?

Is it just me, or does every single character on the show "Skins" have a mental disorder?

It sounds like reality to me just take a trip to the health section on here you will see all the teens asking, "Am I Bipolar? Do you think I have schizophrenia? I want to commit suicide? I think I am depressed?" and so on... Half of these mindless teeny boppers only think they have all of these things because they have read the symptoms on the net. Its surprising how many teenagers are being unnecessarily placed onto anti depressants by GP's. So yes the world is going that way and its shows like that, that encourage kids to be like their hero's I'm sure it would be a different kettle of fish if their hero suffered from , genital warts or AIDs

How to improve or modify fire system in a 28 storey service apartment?

fire siren detection were installed along common corridor i am currently staying in 15 floor when there fire alarm siren sound strobe light activated however i am unable to hear the sounder or any fire alarm especially when i am inside my apartment the sounder along the pageway was loud..inside my apartment do have smoke detector..if there anywhere to connect or link with a sounder or any alternative solution in my apartment.

Am I insane, or just imaginative?

Neither, Just smarter than most people. I know exactly how you feel. The years I spent in school were TORTURE they moved soooooo slowly. I could have learned most of the information I was taught in 12 years- in six months by reading all the textbooks. That IS in fact how I learned most of it because I was so zoned out all the time playing games in my head to cure the insufferable bordom. You just need to learn the importance of interaction and FOCUS so everyone doesn't think you're an .

Are these christian doctrines relatively new doctrines? (e.g christian rock music)?

Are these relatively new doctrines -- "relationship with god", "once saved always saved", "prosperity gospel", "christian rock" etc.

Will hilary duff ever be famous again?

She is but just not as famous as she was.Also i really don't think she wants to be that famous anymore.

My friend has a friend who kips letting her down. she never is honest with her, lets her down, breaks promises

If you know t his to be true of the friend, your friend is getting something out of the relationship, if not she will leave when it hurts enough. If you don't know this to be true for yourself, ask if the so-called friend is you. Then take an criticism as constructive, apologize and work on you.

Are there people who have ual feelings towards Alligators?

There's a female gator in the swamp down the road from me. I was walkin down the road and she hopped out and pounced on me....... i liked it. I dont know if its illegal or what but i dont give a damn. i just want to know if there are others out there?

What is the point in this?

I asked a question on an internet forum about the war in Iraq which was hijacked and turned into a thread about why I am anti-feminist. When I give a brief description of my belief and why I believe it, people started attacking me. I was called a pig, a sick puppy, people threatened to attack me physically, and so on. The MODERATOR (the so called "law" maker of this forum) even lashed out at me attacking my English ability. I didn't say anything bad about anyone. I didn't attack anyone's belief. I never said anyone's belief was wrong. Someone asked about my belief and I gave a brief description of it. End of it. Yet the so called "adults" in this forum (I am 16), have a need to insult me, threaten me, and insult my English. Why though? What is the point in threatening me or insulting me? It doesn't change anything so why do it? I didn't deserve it. I never said anything bad about anyone or their beliefs.

My rabbit was bleeding?

i noticed a small pool of blood under my rabbits hutch, so i checked inside the hutch and there was a small patch of blood on the sawdust, i checked my but couldnt rabbit see any injurys on her and she hasnt been near any other animals dose any one no what it could be please

Which boys name do you like best?

They all sound very cowboyish, but I like that. Your kid will never have a name that gets taken over by girls, that's for sure! I think Harold Julius is the best because it offers some nicknames (Hal, Harley, Harry), plus it sounds manly without being too pretentious. Dalton's a little country clubby, and the others really sound like sheriffs to me.

Is this good writing for a 14 year old?

Somewhere between Metallica and Jim Morrison. Why do I have the impression that I read some of your lines somewhere else...? Well, anyway, not bad for a 14 year-old boy, some of the lines are pretty good, some interesting thoughts there (old, but always new), some good rhymes and a lot of... not-so-good ones. You have a lot of time to grow, young man, and you will, I am sure about it, the beginning has already been done. Read more, think of what you read and find your own way.

2012 Super Volcano eruption In Asia, lake taca?? is that true at all.. ?

NO, the mention of 2012 is a sign that a hoax is involved. There is no way to predict volcanoes that far ahead.

Do you think they should bring back the cane?

it would control students a lot more i think all children need a good smack when there bad it kepted our grandparents straight there was less crime back then but now the world is wild. if the cane and a smack at home (not a beating of course just a smacked backside) then maybe it'll sort out all the wild teens what do you think?

What are some slow accordion songs like in lady and the tramp?

the song kiss me by Sic pence non the richer has a really nice french feel. Is there any other songs that sound nice like these?

I need boy advice?Help?

None of the boys fall 4 me i really need some help! I need some Sirius help......please answer i really need help.

Goodnight, I'm going to bed with a good book?

Good night my friend, and good bye. This is a farewell from me to you, before my adventure into a world of pure imagination, where I can touch my dreams, and fantasies sparkle before my eyes. I wish your wings of creativity soar high and far. Until next time we meet on this world.

Does sea salt contain natural iodine?

Most sea salt that you buy does not contain iodine, although I have seen it available with added iodine. The fact that most sea salt does not contain iodine does not mean that it's not a healthier choice. Regular table salt is a dead food with absolutely no nutritional value. Unrefined sea salt on the other hand still has the 80+ trace minerals which every one of our internal organs need to operate optimally. Even if you consume salt with iodine you aren't getting enough to address health issues ociated with low iodine levels...thyroid disorders, adrenal disorders, high blood pressure, fatigue, cholesterol levels, just to name a few. Dr David Brownstein has written two fabulous books that you should read. Salt your way to health and Iodine: Why you need it, Why you can't live without it. I'm typically not a big fan of drs but Mr Brownstein has done his homework. Good luck and be well.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What to wear to kickboxing?

I've got my first kickboxing lesson coming up, im a guy, so strappy tanks are just out of the question. If youve seen my other questions before you'll know i need to cover my shoulders. Help, or ill be going in a t-shirt and rugby shorts.

Who is the worst Disney Channel singer?

Put them in order from best to worst: Ashley Tisdale, Jonas Brothers, Vanessa Hudgens, Corbin Bleu and Cheetah Girls..

How do i cooperate with my illiterate and lack of understand husband?

I think you guys misunderstand me. When i said my husband wants a favor in return if he do something for me i met for eg if my food hurt and i ask him to rub he will do it but at the said time he would want me to rub his back or give him a mage and if i said i am tired he will get annoyed with me. This morning i had to do the laundry and cook lunch and in order me to finish on time to meet to work for 8:00 am i have to wake up at 5:00 am, it was after 5 and i was still on the bed and my husband wanted to have i told we can't do that now i have to get off the bed so i can finish to go to work, because of this he get annoyed and stop talking to me, he did not

Why are the organs in the human torso positioned asymmetricalyl?

The outside of the human body is very symmetrical, i.e. the face, arms, legs, etc. And most of the inside of the human body is also symmetrical, i.e. muscles, lungs, brain, etc. But most of the organs in the human torso are seemingly just stuffed in there. What is the advantage of having our hearts slightly to the left? And what is the advantage of having our livers to the right? Is there an advantage? Or are the organs just stuffed in there to conserve space?

Trade talk: Felix Hernandez for Andrew McCutchen?

Is it worth it straight up? I'm starting to think it is, King Felix for McCutchen straight up. What do you think?

I will be traveling with my son to India soon. Need Help?

I am going on a 2 month long trip to India. My 5 and a half month old will be traveling with me. The whole trip is basically going to take about 24 hours. From leaving home for the airport to reaching our destination in India. The thing is that he is on formula and since the flight is so long I cannot make his formula and carry it with me. I need to mix it on the plane. So can I use the bottled water on the plane? At home I only use distilled water since where I live the water supply is not safe to drink even if you boil it. If the bottled water is not ok for baby formula on the plane can I carry my own water bottles? Plus my son likes his formula warm how can I warm his milk on the plane? Thank you.

Sola Scriptura Christians: What would be the theological consequences be of Catholicism being the true Church?

Despite what Catholics will say, most of what they believe is based on their traditions and what the RCC governing party believes at the moment, and not based on the Bible. Really, there is no scenario in which the RCC CAN be the true Church of Christ.

Zelda: gerudo training game?

i think you have enough keys. when you get to this place try playing the song of time, and two big blocks will appear to help you get up there.

If my wife was deported from the US...?

If my wife was deported from the US 4 years ago and now we want to migrate permanently to another country, besides USA and Canada for which we have to wait 5 years after the completion of her sentence either for a presidential pardon or rehabilitation (Canada), which country would accept us regardless of her criminal record? I would love to be able to reside in either Italy, Sweden, Australia, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, or Spain. The main reason we are trying to migrate LEGALLY to another country is because, even though I reside in the US, we, my wife, daughter and I, wish to migrate either as refugees or as skilled workers. We need a fresh start and wish to provide a wider board of opportunities to our 2 year old daughter. So, if you have a serious and respectful reply, please do so, otherwise, please do not be rude and as an old saying states "live and let live". Thank you all and God bless.

Finding Gooseberries in the KC metro area?

Farmers market downtown, has almost everything, and is open all saturday. Are you sure you cant squeeze some time in? Your husband could go for you. Or you could buy a Goosbury bush. Order it off the internet, or check a green house. I dont know of any grocery stores that sell Goosberries, but I might be wrong.

If Kc is 23.5 mol3/L3 for the dissociation of nickel at 25.0 C, what is Kp (atm3) at this same temperature ?

If Kc is 23.5 mol3/L3 for the dissociation of nickel at 25.0 C, what is Kp (atm3) at this same temperature ?

Capricorn sun and cancer moon men, are they always testing you?

I feel like my boyfriend who is a capricorn sun, cancer moon and venus in aquarius is always testing me. He comes across all wild and crazy.. open minded to ual exploration, s ect.. and then when i say ok let's do it. He get's all weird and says no not now, i just want to be with you.. I feel like he acts open minded but really doesnt want it and is always testing my reaction. I am an aquarius sun and moon so I am really open minded and down to explore:) Do capricorn cancer combinations always test you?? and what ways have you experienced this? Your experiences and opinions are much appreciated!! thanks guys and gals!

Something is seriously wrong with my hamster... please help?

My roborovski hamster, Noah "Hammy" Sanchez, is not even a year old. However, he has been acting very strange the past couple of days. It's really starting to worry me. He is not eating and has been sitting in a corner breathing heavily. Normally, he runs when I try to pick him up. However, he barely even tries now. He will barely move. He also looks kind of strange. For a second I thought he didn't have eyes anymore because his hair is weirdly drooping over them. Isn't he too young to be dying? What do you think?

Do you hate when people say ur fav team sucks but theyre team is worse?

i hate that people make fun of the 49ers bu then they ll say there fav team is the brown or Texans like cmon or ill say the mavericks and they say the kings or clippers like cmon stop being and idiot

Is this bad ???

hi there im 18 years old and live in the UK im a biker at heart and lvoe to ride my own motorcycle whenever i can weather it be raining frosty or idealy sunny. my problem is ive fallen fro a girl which had her farther killed on 1 and she hates them what do i do i really like this girl but do i throw my bike out for her i love my bike and my job is actually believe it or not a motorcycle mechanic im confuzzed we are good freinds and i think she likes me because she flirts with me alot but im worried that if i get with ehr and it getws serious im gunna have to get rid of my motorbike to stay with her

Where is the abercrombie moose?

I have been looking at the new fleece they have on the internet. It says that some of them have the moose on it. Where is it? Thanks you can correct me if im wrong.

When downloading file from the torrent, the seed are to low which gives me to slow,?

how can i request the community to increase the seed,please hellp me? if my question is violating the community guideline please pardon me, it is out of ignorant.

Should they have done a Native in America?

I am half native.. That show would have been very interesting. I enjoyed black in america, but I think I would have loved Native in America

Are these videos from Morris, who knows Hillary Clinton so well, the truth?

I certainly believe it. George Stephanopoulis ( sp ??) spent much time with the Clintons. Hillary frequently berated George over any small exchange. George complained to Bill that he did not like being called a f*ck up and a dumb sh*t, but the beratings contined for him and for other Clinton staff.

How can I find out where Kasey Kahne is racing other than NASCAR events?

Is there a list or way to find out when he is racing sprint cars? I saw him at Prelude and Summer Sizzler at Eldora and had a blast and would love to go see more races like that. Thanks!!

Can a person still become a member of the Order of Eastern Stars, if they have no family affiliation?

my grandfather is deceased and I have no information on his lodge but I am close friends with mason's. Is their a way that I can still be considered for membership? I live in Brooklyn, NY.

Why are people religious?

I think all religions are equally senseless, but I will be discussing christianity since it's the most common religion. How can a person believe in a talking snake, reincarnation, virgin conception, and walking on water. The myth of Jesus is mainly a retelling of the myth of the Ancient egyptian deity Horus, both were baptized at age 30, the Baptists were beheaded, their births were announced by angels, et cetera. If you say you have faith then you are saying you are an idiot because faith is an irrational belief in something that is intellectually impossible(I am not calling you an idiot, I am saying faith means you lack intellect so by using that word you are insulting yourself).

I have a ghost story? Could this be a case of doppelganger?

This story happened to me a few months ago. It was a Monday afternoon and the students are taking their lunch. I Met one of my friends at the corridor. He is in senior high school and is part of the student government. We greeted each other and we walked up the stairs and we entered the student government office to continue our conversation. After a few moments, I went tout and left him alone at the student government office. I went up the stairs to go to the second floor. The second floor is where the clrooms are located. While I was walking at the second floor corridor. I was shocked to see that my friend, who I just left alone in the student goverment room was at the other side of the second floor corridor and he was walking towards me. It was impossible for him to be there if I just left him alone at the student government room a few moments ago because if he went out of the room, I should have seen him opening the door, but I didn't see him do that and it even if he opened the door it was impossible for him to go to the other side of the corridor at that fast a speed. I was wondering how that happened. When my friend was already near me, I asked him on how was he able to go to the other side of the corridor at that fast a speed if I just left him at the student government office a few moments ago. My friend did not answer me seriously. He just said that he has magic. I was wondering if a ghost imitated my friend, and if a ghost did which of the two is the ghost? Is the ghost the one I talked to at the student government room or the one who I saw walking at the other side of the second floor corridor?

Would Bobby Kennedy have been a great president?

Yeah he would have been great! He would have had us out of a needless war, just like Obama is going to with Iraq, and he was going to bring about Civil Rights legislation that would have been far more sweeping than even LBJ's... I think he would have made great strides on foreign policy otherwise as well, as far as dealing with the USSR and China... such a shame he was killed. :(


Barcelona just one the EUFA championship so get him like a barcelona jersey or a ball or a scarf or something. i love soccer and if my gf got me one of those i would be so happy

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Who should be in the NBA's 2011 Slam Dunk Contest?

Now many people have stated over and over again that they think the dunk contest is "dead", but 2010's was 2010's. We can revive it. Here are some potential entrees that I believe will make the contest once again, astonishing: LeBron James, Nate Robinson, Dwight Howard, Derrick Rose, Rudy Gay, John Wall, J.R Smith, Russel Wrestbrook, Kevin Durant. Now out of all of those I named here's the breakdown of what would be an even better selection: LeBron James, Nate Robinson, Dwight Howard, John Wall. What is your opinion?

If i want to overtake a horse rider i have to do what?

do i have to put on my indicator ? Do i have to overtake it on the outside or do i have to overtake it on the inside?might i have to ask for authorisation ? it can be any one of these or more than 1.

My father was a good person. Do you know about my father's good nature? if you had known, you would not killed

My father was a good person. Do you know about my father's good nature? if you had known, you would not have killed him.. This is the question raised by Priyanka vadera gandhi with the lifer Nalini at vellore jail after 17 years. The brave priyanka met nalini alone in vellore jail. why did it have to happen? what was the purpose of the ination and what was your role in it? At one stage on seeing the lifer nalini, priyanka broke down and nalini too cried. who will answer to priyanka vadera? when i read this news, believe me i am on tears..since, we have profound affection on nehru-indira family and their me crores of people of india still have love and affection on the nehru family..i saw many are on tears on seeing this news in the newspaperDeccan chronicle, chennai 16.4.2008. and N.I.Express.. The newspaper further said that they have a talk lasted an hour. who will answer to the question of priyanka vadera gandhi? what is your answer ?

Who are Your Top 5 OPINION BASED "Pure Wrestlers" All Time?

I'm not going to give you a top 5 cause that is to subjective. But any list like this that doesn't have Danny Hodge on it, isn't worth looking at anyways.

How many pounds of muscle do I have?

Okay so if someone knows their body fat percentage (hydrostatic weighing), weight, and height is it really possible to figure how many pounds of muscle that person has? I have googled this quite extensively and not come up with anything. I know all the formulas for figuring lean body m but I'm interested in the muscle m number. Lean body m also includes: skin, bones, bodily fluids, etc. There's probably no way to figure this without professional testing but I figure I'd ask. If a girl is 5'5, 125 lbs at 16% body fat, any idea how many pounds of muscle she has? TIA!

I'm worried, and confused? Conserving medical abortion. ?

So I have taken both steps of the medication abortion pill process. The mifepristone and misoprostol. I had no bleeding after the first set of pills (mifepristone). And 24 hours later, I took the second step (misoprostol), which was an hour ago. And absolutely no bleeding at all. Only side effects. Am I being impatient or what's going on? Please explain.

Why do I feel so depressed?

You pretty much answered your own question, however the feelings of suicide are scary. It is normal to feel sad when you're pregnant, more emotional, sometimes crying for nothing. It goes with pregnancy. I believe it's called post par tum blues ? I had 6 kids and always had those blues, but when the vitamins kick in you should feel better emotionally. Make sure you tell your doctor how you're feeling. I hope you get better. You deserve some happiness and you have a great husband. One thing you can do is think about all the problems others have and then you can actually see you're not that bad off. I used to do that when I felt down or feeling sorry for myself and it would work. After the baby comes you'll have your companion that will fill in the empty spaces, by enjoying your baby, so see ? You have that to look forward to. Keep your chin up, it will get better.

Implantation bleeding?

I got my period a week early last night. I've NEVER ever in my life had a problem with spotting in between periods and my periods are regular enough for me to know that they are ALWAYS between 30-35 day cycles. This would have been a 26 day cycle. I'm not under any more stress than I usually am. My diet hasn't changed. I'm DEFINITELY not going through pre-menopause. I'm not on any new medications and I'm not on the pill. I DID have unprotected a few times about a week after my last period. I have an ovulation calender on my phone and if I change my cycle for this month to 26 days the unprotected would have taken place 3 days before ovulation whereas it would have been 1 week and a half if I was on my normal cycle. I'm cramping and it physically feels like a period...but it just seems different and not right to me. Any ideas? and Would it be too early for a pregnancy test?

Why is my dog doing this?

My dog is a pitbull and we just got him from foster owners. He wont settle down and is really acting up. I suspected he was homesick so i took him for a very long walk, and tried to get him oriented and i've been erting myself by scolding her on everything that she shouldnt do such as putting her paws on the window and looking out and weeping, she was chewing on a ball and started getting real rammy and when she did something goood i comforted her by petting her. She loves to go for walks but once she gets back into the house she starts getting upset and restless. Right now she is on my couch snuggling with my dad ( very good thing) but im pretty sure this will happen again for a while. Is there anything i can do in the future when she starts acting up? She is a very sweet dog and was being very friendly to us and strangers when we were walking. Also, my pitbull isnt trying to attack my cats but she is not exactly ignoring them either. My cats are terrified, will my cats get used to him or do you think its next to impossible to get the two to be comfortable with eachother?

Where are some great gymnastics places in Utah?

I live in Utah and from what I've heard west pointe studios,llc is really great and also gymcats and arete and Olympics gymnastics and also West academy if you live in utah can you tell me any good gymnastics places that you've heard about or know about coz by this december or january I'll be starting gymnastics again! thanks

Which Beethoven pieces (piano) stimulates brain cells?

I'm studying for a midterm, and looking for something to help me concentrate. Apparently there's some Beethoven music to help stimulate brain cells.. I always listen to Moonlight Sonata. What else can I listen to?

Does Notre Dame have actual actual ties with Ireland?

It's a Catholic thing. Ireland has historically been largely Catholic - ever since St. Patrick brought Christianity to the island. Notre Dame has historical ties to the Catholic church. Other than that - no particular ties between Notre Dame and Ireland. No more so than USC is tied to Troy or MSU is tied to Sparta!

Do you ever think that the people you ask these questions to may be borderline retarded?

Dear Lord, you have so much freaking time on your hands ! The only thing that I "am confirming" right now is that "you did not post a question" nor are you a doctor to understand and identify a "borderline retarded person."

Is it possible for the US refining industry to survive if CO2 levels are capped at 1990 levels?

Yes.. refining will survive. First the refiners will rename the industry from refining to brewing. After all, only poor sports don't like breweries! Next the new brewers will freeze things that die so the CO2 contained in them is never released into the atmosphere. For that, the breweries will get carbon credits which are kind of like having ones sin removed by saying "hail Mary s". Once the breweries have been absolved of all of their sins, they will be allowed to make all the gasoline (probably called Schmernoff Energy Booster by that time) they need so they will be able to collect all the frozen dead things they have been saving and blast them off to Mars. On Mars the CO2 and methane contained in all the dead things will be released and Mars will have a new atmophere. At first it will smell like a bean eaters banquet and bad beer, but eventually plants will grow. Those plants will convert all that nasty stuff into oxygen and other good witch gases .. maybe even some rain - acid at first, but eventually it will wash itself clean. For doing all of that the brewers get lots of new carbon credits and a real atta boy from AmabO, the new Pres./Prime Minister and Rock Star of the world. This carbon cycle continues in this manner until Mars becomes over populated. The press discovers that one more molecule of CO2 is all that Mars can handle... hysteria breaks out and the whole thing starts all over again... with all eyes now on Mercury!

I need original sentences where the word is used in context for..?

callous, dearth, deft, edifice, forsake, generalize, gloat, legacy, muse, paradox, penitent, phobia, pique, prowess, revere, remorse, sundry, truncate, ubiquitous

During II coming of Jesus, What is the impacts before His arrival?

I heard that Antichrist is coming soon with a symbol called 666 and he will rule the whole world. Then the Jews and Jesusalem will be shocked about the idol worship of Antichrist. Is it coming soon during this decade?

Change where/how yahoo IM's initially open?

How can i force yahoo messenger to change how it initially opens IMs? right now every time it opens an IM the dang window is stretched out far enough that i cant click on the top to move it. I know how to move it, but i want it to stop opening like that. thanks!

Should I get the Apple Iphone 3g and how can i convince my mom to get it for me? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!?

Should I get the apple iphone 3g? I have the blackjack II right now, and idk, im kinda bored with it. SO what do you think? and how can i convince my mom to get it? (:

What stops cramps please?

you might be overworking or stretched a muscle i would probably say have some paracetemol to stop the pain but if it continues go see your local gp

How does Petr Cech customise his gloves? (Lotto G-Force)?

Let me just say that ir really doesnt matter. If your a good goalie it doesnt matter if your glove support is hard or soft or w/e the fcuk you were going on about. Kinda like my friend who gets all the best gloves and stuff, but hes still **** and overcompensates. It really makes NO difference.

Could you help me plzzz.. Freshman in college?

The best person to talk to about this is your advisor. You didn't mention your major, are all of these cles required for your major? Your advisor will be able to help you pick cles that will fit best with your major and that won't be too difficult for a freshmen

A girl went down on a bottle in cl?

She had a bottle of some yoo-hoo and then went down on it hard! She didn't care who was looking. I knew she had a crush on me, but wow, that was out of nowhere! How do I tell her as her math teacher that it was both inappropriate and awesome?

Hey guys help me decide busy schedule?

i have work and school weight training and judo i used to do tae kwon do but i really want to join kickboxing i dont no do you think i will have the schedule if i drop weight training and take kickboxing its also very costly im 15

Boy Trouble help???.......................…

Well I liked this guy David for like ever !!. and he kept saying how much he loved this one lynsey .He started writing it on poles sayin david 4 lynsey {crying all nigh ova dis } I really like him so i was really upset over this.....I was talking to her friend shauna 5 mins ago and askedher did her meet {french kiss} her and she said he did.[still crying ] im sooo devastated that he wud choose her over me...Im still cryingnow because im very upset i mean i think i might love him ohhh i forgot to say im 13 and Hlp!!! plzzz

What is Meiosis used for?

It is used for halving the chromosome number. Zygotes are only produced AFTER meiosis has been used. They are the complete cell that is formed by an egg and a sperm cell produced through meiosis.

What if you came home and your significant other surprised you by wearing nothing but a diaper?

Considering how I don't have a significant other, I would be still surprised (that a 1 year-old girl wanted me).

Theme ideas for duct tape dress and tux?

I'm going with a guy. I need a theme idea for our duct tape prom outfits:) <3 I'm entering the scholarship thingy and am in a rut. I was gonna do a bobwhite comet thing (school mascots) but it was really hard to think of anything for the bobwhite. If you have any ideas for that please help! Next i was thinking splatter paint effect (obviously cut of duct tape). If you have any other ideas I REALLY NEED HELP!!!!! please and thank you!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

Test Statistic and Critical Values in Statistics?

What is the difference between the two? What makes the critical value different? And exactly how do you calculate the critical value? please helpppp!!!! Thank you!!!!

Why do teams keep doing the same garbage at the end of games against Man Utd?

Every time they have a lead or are on course to gain a point from them, as soon as added time is displayed they fall back into defence mode, allowing man utd to bring even van der sar into their box to take shots on goal. What the fk! I see this too much and "Fergie Time" jokes aside, this is always the reason why Utd scores after the 90th minute, cause they are encouraged to.

Sad news?

in Colombia people are sending KIDS at war ages 8-16 million kids die and their just kids how sad is that ........ and girls solder are being touch or death they should stop this war with kids WHO IS WITH ME

Is it true that no matter what God has done in the past in all His creations to show His reality?

"There is absolutely no other valid,even plausible explanation for the existence of things." Absolutely Right! Many people want to use science to disprove God, but all science really does is uncover a tiny fragment of God's grand design. Psychology and sociology are included in this as well.

Do you ever feel embarred when something you were told turns out to be a lie?

Well if you are talking about the the Palin death panels and don't believe it then you were the one that has been duped. The Senate Finance Committee is taking that provision out of the bill, due to all the controversy surrounding it. So how can they be taking something out that never existed?

Why cant steeler fans accept fact they will not be in playoffs this year? and will finish third?

gotta tell you i know alot of steelers fans and everyone of em said with everything going on with the team, they might as well not even show up this year

Mahatma Gandhi is NRN(Non Residental Nepalese)?

Do You know his full name? Mohandas karamchandh Gandhi. He was a Gujarati. didn't you read from your textbooks?

If you were to go back in time and kill the past you, what would happen to your present self?

A couple of friends and myself were a bit under the influence when a popular topic surfaced, time travel. I was wondering what is the theorized belief of what would happen for such an action. As my friend not so eloquently put it, you would disappear because you broke the rules of the universe and that's that. I on the other hand, do not think it would be as simple as the 'Back To The Future' reference. Since you just created a time paradox, what would happen? Opinions will be duly noted and for all intents and purposes of this question, let's pretend that time travel into the past is possible.


I saw a clip for it on Myspace and can't remember anything about but some of the actresses - Fergie, Nicole Kidman, and Kate Hudson, among others - but is it a play on broadway or an actual movie? Any info on this would help a ton! =]

Hurt kitten, any ideas?

I have a six week old kitten who was attacked by a dog. The kitten lived, but is missing part of his nose/upper lip, and refuses to eat or try to nurse. I've been feeding him with a syringe, a mixture of wet catfood and milk, and he doesn't like that either, though I try and get some into him every so often. Also, when he breathes it makes an odd ..... almost wheezing or farting sound. I plan on taking him to a vet if I can afford it, but any ideas on what might be wrong with him? Someone suggested crushed sinuses and that's also why he won't eat, because he can't breathe through his nose at the same time.

So Sad ... Advice Please : - (?

I felt the way you feel right now. People outgrown their circle of friends as time goes by. That's how it is. As much as it hurts, you have to find another circle of friends to hang out with and people who accepts you into their group. These people that you're describing doesn't feel the same way you feel about them. You need to move on. Good luck!

Is democracy a dictatorship by the majority?

If 4 out of 5 people agree with a law but the 5th person disagrees with the law, and is forbidden to exempt himself from said law, is the 5th person oppressed by the other 4?

Is this guy desperate and just wants to get laid? I smell desperation....?

He strikes me more as the type of guy that's too shy and bumbling to really ert himself and his needs. He needs lots of cuddles and kisses - so give him one from me :D

What is the name of the song on Tru TV's commercials for Hot Pursuit?

I'm talking about the song that goes "Left then I turn around, Right then I turn around". I'd like to know the name of the artist, too, if you know it.

What are the best sights for learning about astrology?

I am trying to learn more in depth about astrology/natal charts etc. I have already been to and Can anyone recommend any others?

Can i play farcry 2 on this pc?

it will won't be pretty since that is a workstation video card (they aren't meant for gaming) but it will run just fine.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why do you blame God for the existence of birth defects?

So you've personally asked God about this? It is the only way I have imagined you could become so knowledgeable on the subject; and no, common sense and the bible don't prove anything you are trying to say.

What is your fave heavy metal band, and can you tell me some other good heavy metal bands?

I want to listen to some heavy metal bands, nothing too out-there, and no screaming, but bands that can actually sing and play instruments. Bands I like are Slipknot, Metallica and Korn.

I need help with my best friend?

maybe you should just tell her exactly how you feel. be confident! and if she just wants to be your friend then don't worry there are plenty of other girls out there. Don't forget to tell her you really can't stop thinking about her(not dirty).

Why dose obama flip flop?

first he said he would pull out one bergade a month, now he says his policy will be refined after talking with the comanders on the ground. why couldent he just say he would pull out as quickly as the comanders on the ground thought was reasonable, or is he just another lieing political jerk off

How to make my teachers see the real point?

okay so last year I got into a "misunderstanding" with another student who i had a crush on. same gender. i'm gay. he's not. he wined to his mom. but that's not the point. when i would tlak to them they always sided with him. three of my friends when down with me and todl the pirnceable and all of my teachers and i had done nothign wrong and it was him who was telling me to shut up when I would tlak to my friends and call me a c8ck magnet a fudge packer and stuff like that. they ignored these entirely and kept siding with him. he's clearly phobic because when ever the term gets thrown around he's like ew I hate gay people. but when other peopel say things like this my friends and i have to take matters into our own hands and deal with it. cause I'll go to the teachers and the only one that will listen was my science teacher and my old LA teacher who moved to a different team. but it seems that phobia is encouraged at my school because they don't do anything about it when they see it or hear it because i was standing in the hall and some kid pushed me and called me a ****** and shouted it and the teachers were there ( not the two who would agree with me) and my old SS teacher is a and she knew how it felt but she had a sub. but they didn't even tlak to the kid or talked to me. it's very discoraging cause i can't to to them about anything that's not school related cause they won't listen. my math teacher is very very conservetive and baptist but she accepts me and helped me through a lot of things. please give me some adivce

Where is mr footprints on pokemon diamond?

Well, Mr. footprints always had a crush on Rainbow Brite, even though she's several years older than him, and they ran away to have a pionate affair. It's taboo among the Power Rangers.

Starting a pool league with friends......?

we will have other couples join with us and rotatate between the two houses with tables, we will have a theme for each night and everyone will bring a food or drink to go along with it - so we have that all planned out. But when it comes to scoring and keeping track what should we do? It will be married couples as teams of two- so I'm thinking just playing doubles each time and just mark who wins each game and giving points for that, then extra points for 8-ball breaks and table runs, minus points for lack of theme support......then just total up all points at the end of the season and see who wins?????? Does that sound good for I missing anything? The score sheets I looked up online look to be for single players only and are kind of confusing. We are having a trophy made also, that you will be able to add plaques to each season, for the winners to take home till next season, and possibly a "Banquet" at the end also.

Whats with all the misery round here tonite??

men are better than women ,men are better than women...............i mean look we took over this section

Is it possible to lose all of my attraction to guys?

Hon, come to terms with it. You're 19 and on the verge of being independent and if you finally admit to yourself that you are actually ually attracted to women, your family will have to SUCK IT UP!

What are some good ideas for home made baby gifts besides diaper cakes and quilting?

My sister-in-law is having her baby shower in one week and I am just so excited I wanna create more things! But don't have that much money as I am a college student so I have already made a diaper cake and baby sock rose bouquet is there ANY other things to create that do not require knitting/quilting? She is having a baby boy! :)

How to sharpen the blades of my lawn mower by myself?

Get a file and go to work. Better yet get an extra set and sharpen the dull ones in your spare time. Don't forget to balance them or you can ruin the spindels.

To whom it may concernHello my name is Tracy and I am curious how long does crack stays in your system?

I am very curious because my friend uses the substance more than usual and the job that she is about to get hired from requires a drug screen so I am asking this because I want to find out how many days it stays in your system very curious

An Harry Potter Question!!!?

Who are your Favorite characters and why. And what house would you be in??? Sirius is my Favorite, Just because he's cool, and I'd perfer Gryffindor!!!

Is my wine a duffer? Or does it sound ok?

I have stumbled into a home made wine making kit and just thought, hmm, I can guess how this works and just tried giving it a go (stupid I know). I Mixed fruit juice with water and suger and heated. I then poored this into 1, a gl gallon bottle, let it cool and added yeast, and 2, a mive barrel container (with similar process). Barrel was a screw top so I left it a tiny little bit un-done to let the gas out, and the gl bottle had a trap on it. They both bubbled away quite well for quite a period. I waited until they stopped about a month (maybe even two) or so later. Looks very pink, have tasted and just tastes a litle tart. Smells like Alchol I think. So I've poped them into clean old screw cap wine bottles. As I pored they seemed to fizz a little. Now....did I miss a phase out, is it going to be bad? Will it actually have any alchol in? What should I look out for, and should I not risk sealing due to the fizz? Have I done it all wrong? Hahaha I'm sure i can use it on unwanted guests if needs be, mind you i'm going to have to store about 40 bottles of the stuff. Any advise other than "chuck it, and learn how to make wine" would be most welcome. Thank you

One spot left; who do I play? L. White (RB), K. Jones (RB), D. Williams (RB), I. Hilliard (WR)?

Start Kevin Jones since he's now the starter and he had a great game last week. He's the best choice. Second best choice would probably be LenDale White but he splits carries so go with Kevin Jones.

Does David Otunga sound like "The Ladies Man" to you?

Sounds and looks like Rashad Evans to me......and am I the only one who expects Otunga to say "FINALLY THE A-LIST HAS COME BACK TO RAW".

Why we need microscope in primary & secondary education?

You need a dictionary and grammar manual. Anyways, microscopes are needed in science cles to study materials of a scientific nature.

What on earth can i do about what my ins broker screwed up?

You either had collision or you didn't. If you truly did, they must cover you. If you did not they do not have to cover you. Your task is to find if you had collision or not. You must have a policy. Read it

How do you think my fantasy team will do?

Depends on if your squad can avoid injuries, fantasy football requires more luck than any other fantasy sport.

How did the different islands play a role in the diversity of the finches?

The different islands had different conditions and food sources. For example, one may have more large seeds than small seeds, so the birds had to have larger beaks to consume them. Another island may have smaller seeds so the large beaks aren't necessary and eventually fade from the characteristics of the birds on that island.

Negative relationship feelings? Why? ROCD?

If this continues to upset you, you may want to see a professional to help you sort out what is going on. I hope you will come to a better understanding of yourself and how you feel. Best Wishes.

Up or Cloudy with a Chance of Meat - Which Animation is better?

If you say UP - Then I need to ask you why? How is it it that Disney/Pixar making better Animation films than Colombia Pictures?

Why so ignorant towards marijuana?

I was under the impression that people only get affected so badly by this plant are the ones that get allergic reactions to it. And people who have preexisting mental and health issues should always take serious steps in questioning what ever the heck they put into their systems.... mary jane or otherwise. At the end of the day, people should just leave people be. Smoke pot, go ahead, smoke tobacco? why not? eat chocolate, go right on ahead, drink caffeine well, big deal? We should be adult enough to make these choices for ourselves and screw what ever anyone else thinks.

Why are people mean?

people actually say that humans are born bad which is why toddlers like to to kick people and run off laughing etc. and it is the parents who need to show children how to be good. i dont know if i believe this but i do believe parents primarily shape a child

What are the major evolutionary splits within the animal kingdom?

can someone help me with this question, it also says make sure to include symmetry, blastopore and coeloms in the answer i dont know this can anyone help me???

Who's better: Adam Lambert or Kris Allen?

I think Adam is WAYYYY better. He's a true artist. Not to mention reallly hott. ^_^ Your thoughts? :]


A hoop of radius 0.120 m and m 0.360 kg, is suspended by a point on it's perimeter as shown in the figure. If the hoop is allowed to oscillate side to side as a pendulum, what is the period of the oscillation?

Help with Beethoven song. I cant figure out which song this is?

It is by Beethoven and was written from 1799-1800. Is is the last clical song he wrote. It is also a 4 movement sonata. The second movement is melodic. The fourth movement theme keeps coming back but a little differently. Please help. I need to know the name of this peice.